Surprisingly, the thesis found a lot of interested readers, was cited in other works and used as an introductory text at several universities. Aaron Sloman asked me to translate the work into English which I did - a rather unsuccessful attempt, because I had a lot of other work to do at that time.
badly translated English version of the work is available here:
In the spring of 2004 I was invited to participate in a workshop held by Rotterdam's V2 Lab. For that purpose I reviewed the literature on emotional computing that had been published since 1998 but could not detect any real progress.
The summary of my presentation covers approaches up to 2004 and can be understood as a sort of appendix to my thesis.
In November, 2004, I was asked to moderate a workshop on "Affective Systems" during the Dutch Electronics Arts Festival DEAF 04. Participants were Owen Holland, Phoebe Sengers, Angelika Oei and Rene Verouden and Michelle Teran and Jeff Mann. You can download the charts of my short introduction here.